The Neuropsychology Center faculty are experienced in providing neuropsychological consultation to various health care, educational, legal, and related professionals. Dr. Hom has extensive experience in forensic neuropsychology, including both civil and criminal cases on the county, state, and federal levels. Dr. Nici has frequently consulted with school districts and educational personnel on neuropsychological issues. Examples of consulting activities include clinical case consultation, consultation regarding education and work placement, independent neuropsychological evaluation, and review of neuropsychological records and testing.
Clinical Case Consultation or Review and Critique of Testing Procedures

This service involves our review of your submitted (by email, fax or mail) Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery (HRB) test results, followed by a telephone consultation regarding the clinical aspects of the case. This service can be used to obtain consultation on a case or to improve your interpretive skills. Feedback on your written report is also available with this service.
To use this service
To use this service, you should email or mail high quality copies of test results to be reviewed. The patient's name should be disguised on all materials. For all cases, you should send the Summary of Test Results sheet, the Aphasia Screening Test sheet, the Sensory-Perceptual Examination sheet, the page with the patient's drawings, etc., from the Aphasia Test, and their drawing for TPT Memory/Localization; you should also send your plot of the results, using the format employed at the NPC Seminars. For young children, you should also send the drawings of the Star and Concentric Squares.
Once all necessary materials have been received, they will be reviewed, after which we will contact you to schedule the telephone consultation. Telephone consultations can be scheduled 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Central Time. Faster turn-around is an option (for an additional charge), depending on our schedules; this MUST be arranged in advance.
Please contact us before submitting materials for a Clinical Case Consultation.
Consultation can only be provided on complete (or nearly complete) valid protocols using the correct HRB materials. We must decline to review invalid, incomplete, or unreadable protocols.
This service does not involve acceptance of any clinical responsibility on the part of The Neuropsychology Center. You will retain full responsibility for the case. All materials received will be treated by The Neuropsychology Center as confidential, and will be used only for the purposes described above. All materials will be returned to you or destroyed, and we will not make or retain copies. Any ethical issues arising from this service will be handled according to APA guidelines and State law.

To use this service
To use this service, you should submit a high quality video recording of a complete HRB Battery administration, either the adult's, the older children's, or the young children's battery. Be sure also to send all written test forms from each test administered and your NDS Worksheet, so that your response recording and NDS scoring can be checked against our observations. We will review these materials and provide written feedback on test technique and scoring within 3-6 weeks. All materials will be returned to you.To get the most benefit from this service
To get the most benefit from this service, it will be very important for you to submit a high quality video recording. We must be able to clearly see the test materials, the patient, the test table, and at least some of the examiner. The camera should be placed so that it is not intrusive in the testing. We must be able to hear clearly both the examiner and the patient.A "stand-in patient" can be used (e.g., a friend or colleague who pretends to be a patient), but their responses and the difficulties in testing that they would present to you are not likely to be as realistic as those from a "real" patient. Do not send along any additional clinical information about the patient, and please use only disguised names or initials on the test protocols.
Again, to get the most benefit from this service, you should be sure to have the instructions memorized. An administration from notes or by "winging it" is sure to be deficient. While this service is open to beginning testers, it would be most useful to experienced examiners.
Please contact us before submitting materials for a Review and Critique.
We will not review technically deficient, damaged or defective video recordings.Offering this service does not imply or incur any clinical responsibility on the part of The Neuropsychology Center. You will retain full responsibility for the case. All materials received will be treated by The Neuropsychology Center as confidential, and will be used only for the purposes described above. All materials will be returned to you or destroyed, and we will not make or retain copies. Any ethical issues arising from this service will be handled according to APA guidelines and State law.